Plastic Soup Foundation


Plastic Soup Foundation


Stop the plastic soup tsunami as soon as possible! If we do not achieve this, we are leaving future generations with a terrible plastic plague.
We are a ‘single issue’ environmental organization that is concerned with one thing: stopping plastic pollution at its source.

As part of this mission, we call out the industry and government where they fall short. We also put a special focus on the relationship between plastics and human health. Our recent work in this field includes campaigns on microplastics and the health effects of plastic waste, and especially our Plastic Health Summit. Finally, education underlies everything we do, as we believe that children are the future.

We, humans, are the source of plastic pollution; the plastic soup starts on our very own doorstep. But together we can do much more to stop plastic waste than we think!


With our work, we focus more and more on the link between plastics and human health. Our dedicated campaigns in microplastics and plastic pollution are directly related to this. Next to this, we see educational activities as one of our most important pillars; because children are the future. And last but not least: we like to expose where the problems lie, especially within the industry and the government!

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